
Meet New Business

Meet New Local Business Owners!
Come to a Small Business e-Meetings, find new customers, get valuable advice. 
Hear how others have overcome difficult times and achieved success. All are welcome!

Meet Other Entrepreneurs


Small Business e-Meetings GROWTH IDEA

In todays busy times, businesses need more support than ever.
That's the reason we have build this businesses e-meetings site, to enable open minded businesses owners to share they services and expertize. Reach new clients and more. 

Effortlessly Meet New People and Boost Your Network In Life and Business.


Build A Life... And Your Business...
That You Don't Want To Take A Vacation From
We Are Cambridge Based Business Consultancy / Education Company Obsessed With Helping Our Clients Build Lifestyle & Financial Freedom By Proven Strategies That Deliver Results
How to enjoy networking

Most people think it’s impossible to enjoy networking, but by making sure you are ready for the session (and reminding yourself that everyone is there for the same reason) helps you relax and make the most of the networking potential of an event or even a chance encounter.

 Make sure you are armed with information

Make sure you have all the information you might need with you, ideally, in your head, but at the very least with you.

 Know what you want

Remember that networking events are about making connections and helping each other, so don’t be afraid to go in with an ask in mind. 

Build A Life... And Your Business... That You Don't Want To Take A Vacation From
Put it all into practice

Like anything, the more you do something, the easier it gets and the better you get.
And there’s no better time to start than the present. Whether you have a great new idea, want to help new businesses take off, or just want to get to know more people in your local business community, then come along to our next networking event. Attendance is free, but spaces are limited, so if you want to come along, register today.
Business Guide Directory Free To Submit Your Business!
Business community resource website  is an online list - catalog of businesses details and websites is free. 

Submit Your Business Listing Free

business guide org uk
There are two ways to find information on the Web: by searching or browsing. Web directories provide links in a structured list to make browsing easier.
Many web directories combine searching and browsing by providing a search engine to search the directory.
Unlike search engines, which base results on a database of entries gathered automatically by web crawler, most web directories are built manually by human editors.

Many web directories allow site owners to submit their site for inclusion, and have editors review submissions for fitness.
Web directories may be general in scope, or limited to particular subjects or fields.

Entries may be listed for free, or by paid submission (meaning the site owner must pay to have his or her website listed).

Submit Your Business Listing Free

meet new business
What's the hardest thing about starting and growing a business? For many small businesses, the answer is finding clients or getting customers. Customer acquisition is particularly difficult if your marketing budget is limited.
Engagement is the key to winning and keeping new customers!


Save your time !

Meet new businesses every week !

Share your services and products !

Make different today !

Grow your custom list easy !

Get Valuable Advice Here !

Meet Other Entrepreneurs

Meet New Business


Monday             10AM-4PM 
Tuesday             10AM-4PM 
Wednesday       10AM-4PM 
Thursday           10AM-4PM 
Friday                 10AM-4PM 
Saturday                   Closed 
Sunday                      Closed



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